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Sabriye Tekbilek on rahvusvaheliselt tuntud tantsija ja õpetaja. Ta on 7 aastat Lähis-Idas tantsinud ning ta on üks väheseid tantsijaid, kes õpetab Suhaila Salimpouri metoodika järgi.
10.-11.juunil tuleb Sabriye Tallinna ning annab kolm kursust:
L, 10.juuni
11:00-13:00 oriental
13:30-15:30 khaleegi
P, 11.juuni
10:00-13:00 Salimpour-tehnika
Sabriye will teach 3 workshops in Tallinn:
Saturday, 10th June
11:00-13:00 oriental- A sassy choreography, with dynamic rhythm changes. Bring a veil!
13:30-15:30 khaleegi- Khaleeji taught by an instructor with over a decade's experience in the Gulf. Thobes will be available for purchase.
Sunday, 11th June
10:00-13:00 Salimpour technique- Get insight into this the technique which has revolutionized the way Oriental dance is taught.
For more information contact